Friday, May 15, 2009

Que pasa calebaza?

Como le fue su semana? This week was definitely a good one. We had many amazing experiences as always. Hmmmm.. . I never know where to start in these emails.

Well my Hermana Morley and I set up a lot of appointments at the teaching evaluation center lately. It has been so good! I am surprised at the compliments we have been given by the teacher mentors. We have become a lot better at getting to know the person first, then teach through the Spirit according to their needs. And sometimes we might only cover 1 principle from the first discussion, but that is ok.

I have learned so so much about teaching lately. I have grown to love love love teaching. We teach really good together and we teach the same way, we are so much alike, it is so funny. A couple of really cool experiences we have had lately. . . we made a goal to contact 2 people a day, English or Spanish. We went to dinner and saw 2 construction workers eating together, they were a little rough looking but it looked like a great opportunity. So we approached them and started getting to know them. I asked if we could share our testimonies with them and one said, well I am an athiest but go ahead. The other younger man with earrings said they both grew up in the church but he became inactive a couple years ago at 18. So this was perfect! I was so happy when I found out they weren't members. So we bore our testimonies about how Christ loves us individually and he has a plan for us and wants us to be happy. If we pray to know the truth and if this church is really true he will answer us, I know this because he has answered my questions. I could tell the younger one was listening intently and we might have sparked something. But then we said thank you and left. Even though they didn't commit to anything it made me so happy and I wanting to go tracting and get some doors slammed in my face! It is crazy how it excites me! I just love telling people that my God really does know me because it strengthens my testimony and makes me feel so happy.

We have also been chatting online in the Referral Center with people to get on to chat at I have chatted with a few people who have had some questions. I love telling them that our church can answer ALL of the questions they have. And I don't have to doubt that, I know it! I am so grateful for that comfort of knowing that!

Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone for making my birthday so Fun! I got 4 packages and many letters from friends and family! Mom my district says that you take care of them more than their mom does. So you have been voted to be our district mom! We had so much fun with the cake and other goodies, it was a good day. My district made it their responsibility to scare me everytime I walked in the room so I had enough birthday scares, don't worry Danner! Tell mary I got her package and I am sending her a letter today! Stacey, Mandy, Katie, thank you so much for your wonderful packages too!

Our district is still working on exact obedience, so please pray for us. WE have had some Elders really struggling to know if they really want to be on a mission. I know I was meant to be in this District to provide support though. I love them so much and I see so much potential in all of them. They just need to put away childish things and become men.

Well, I am really trying to focus 110% of my thoughts and time to my mission. So I am trying to not think about things at home and college a lot. This is the only 18 months that I have with just me and the Lord and I want to make it the best. So I still want to hear from all of you, but I won't be writing a lot of letters. Please stay updated on my blog! Sorry but I really need to have total focus.

I love you all so much, your support means so much and I pray for you every night. I really do feel your prayers for me!

Love you more! God speed!
Hermana Kjar

1 comment:

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

Great to read this!! We will keep your in our prayers!!